Tuesday, October 13, 2015


So it has been several years since i have posted. A lot has changed, a lot has not changed. Im married now, 1 plus years and counting. Most of my friends from back home have babies and we're coming into our 2016 presidential election. Married life is a fairy tale. He is my prince and I his princess. We have our scuffles believe me, but love really does conquer all. Some things i have learned in our first year of marriage:

1) Men care about there appearance just as much as we do ladies.
Men bleach there teeth, go to the gym, try on a couple different jackets before they go out. So why is it always on the women that we're so fashionably late?? Sometimes are men are.

2) Food really is the way to their heart.
For whatever reason it is, a man loves his home cooked meals. They really do appreciate the smell when they walk thru the door after a long day and when his friends come over, a great way to impress them is to feed them.

3) They need recognition.
They want to be loved, but most importantly, they want to hear it!! When they cleaned up something, they want to know you NOTICED they did, and they want a gold star for it. They need recognition for what they have done, and its our job to let them know how awesome they are.

4) They are Mr. Fix it.
If you call them with a problem, dont expect the same response as you would get from your best friend Susie. They are going to immediately hear the problem, think of ways to solve it, and tell you all of there solutions. If your looking for someone to just vent to call your girl, your man doesnt have the ear to just listen.

5) Some aren't always as strong as they look.
Behind every strong man, is a stronger woman. We fuel are men. We build them up and we can break them down. We need to watch what we say because words can hurt. They are beings just as we and even if they act like everything is ok, chances are there is some darkness in there soul.

its pretty self explanatory and is probably one of the most important things in a marriage.

These are just a few things that come to mind but everyday I learn something new, and I love it <3

. . .That Forever kind of love. . .

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